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Monday, June 2, 2008

Jackie Carol

The other band involving Nathan Ellis that a lot of people don't seem to be aware of. The band's lineup consists of Nathan Ellis (The Casket Lottery ex-Coalesce), John Cruz (Lucky Graves, ex-Koufax, ex-Proudentall), Greg Franklin (Ewok Grinder, ex-Believe It Or Nots), and Chris Wagner (Secret Club, ex-Glitter Kicks, ex-Revolvers). Also check out Able Baker Fox

Check Check

1. Hi, My Name Is Jackie...
2.Faith (I Don't Even Own a Gun)
3.Check, Check
4.No Fiction
6.Sirens Woke Me Up
7.First Wedding
8.Time To Panic
10.My Godfather James
11.Don't Call
12.Let's Fall In Love

If you like it, BUY IT!

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